Page 104 - 33 edition GAIF Post-Conference July 2022
P. 104

Hedi Hachicha (CUO, P&C Re, Middle East & Africa SCOR):

                 In MEA, we need to pay more attention to secondary perils with climate change
                        and to the sums insured (re)valuation in an inflationary environment

                n the sidelines of the 33rd GAIF General Conference, Al Bayan Magazine met Hedi Hachicha,
            OCUO, P&C Re, Middle East & Africa at SCOR and conducted the following interview.

            • What is the added value behind your participation at the 33rd GAIF conference?
            - For around three years, we have been working mostly remotely contacting each other via calls so we missed
            the face-to-face contact. We see a lot of value in such in person contact especially in our region where we like
            meeting people and having a proper conversation and exchange of views. That goes beyond even the regu-
            lar business contacts and regular business relationships.
            • The discussions in the conference concentrated on cyber security, pandemics, epidemics and climate
            change. What is your comment?
            - Our industry has been used to cope with different risks. Climate change has been a topic for quite some time
            and we see the multiplication of severe events or medium sized events in our territories starting from flash
            floods, cyclones in certain part of our region like Oman, so the concern is increasing and on the risk man-
            agement side, there are also things to do and the way the infrastructure could cope with the fact that there has
            been a greater urban concentration in our countries with many people moving to cities so those are challenges
            and there is a greater focus in the industry in general which is coming from all the stakeholders inviting everyone
            to pay more attention to secondary perils i.e. if a territory is more earthquake prone not just to look at the earth-
            quake but also to consider all the other perils that may affect the territory and prepare ourselves as an industry for that as well as offer protection gap solution
            with the support of the authorities. We are very much in favor of public-private partnerships. We see for our industry clearly a purpose there and we are extreme-
            ly supportive and interested in supporting any initiative going into that direction. Besides that, in term of topics, we spoke about inflation especially the
            macroeconomic situation worldwide is a bit complex. With Covid, we had crisis initially in the demand which now has turned into a crisis in the supply. That
            goes beyond the situation between Ukraine and Russia. In all the markets, especially our markets where we may not have paid enough attention to that,
            we need to make sure that the sum insured are properly evaluated and the amount of insurance coverage purchased is sufficient.  Inflation is something
            that we have not seen for quite some time and is back now, it is exacerbated in our territories because sometimes it is accompanied with currency deval-
            uation that is amplifying the inflation, so we need to make sure that sums insured of the protected assets are re-evaluated. Moreover, we need to really
            take that into account in projecting the claims reserves and charging the right price to factor for inflation in order to make sure that we continue to be an
            industry that is robust and meets its obligations.

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