Page 42 - 33 edition GAIF Post-Conference July 2022
P. 42

Dr. Corneille Karekezi

              (Group Managing Director / CEO Africa Re):

               We are a prudent industry so we
                  penetrate any market slowly
                              and cautiously

               ince its establishment, Africa Re has anticipated change and shaped it to fit its pur-
            Sposes. It is a transparent, honest and ethical company in all its interactions with
            shareholders, partners, employees, clients, consumers, vendors and the general pub-
            lic. It operates in a spirit of cooperation and value human dignity and places a pre-
            mium on competence, knowledge, resourcefulness, quality, attitude, and cooperation
            related to how it provides its professional services. Dr. Corneille Karekezi, Group
            Managing Director/CEO of Africa Re participated along with several of his colleagues
            at the 33rd GAIF General Conference held in Oran, Algeria.Al Bayan Magazine met
            Dr. Karekezi on the sidelines of the event and conducted the following interview.

            • The discussions in the confer-                                               We will not be very aggres-
            ence concentrated on cybersecu-                                               sive but cautious & growing
            rity, pandemics, epidemics and                                                 profitably without rushing
            climate change. What is your
                                                                                          • After your success in the Middle
            -  The GAIF is always a good                                                  East &  Africa, do you have any
            opportunity for professionals of                                              expansion plans in the near
            the industry, brokers, insurers and                                           future?
            reinsurers to meet and shed light                                             - In our pipeline, we are planning to
                                                                                          expand in southwest  Asia and
            on where our industry is going,
                                                                                          probably it will be opening an office
            what we can do better especially
                                                                                          in Singapore, we are already writ-
            that the major target of our indus-                                           ing businesses from that territory
            try is to relief the pain of our com-                                        including China but we want to
                                       , Dr CORNEILLE KAREKEZY  ,ô≤°U ∫ɪL :ø«ª«dG øe ô¡¶jh A FRICA  RE  ¿ÉcQCG
            munities when they are facing                                                increase our presence and to bring
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            risks, destruction and threats. We                                           our services close to those markets.
            have discussed all the major risks and pandemic of course is in the  We are a prudent industry so we expand and penetrate the market
            air, the disruptions of Covid-19 are still felt and the climate change is  slowly because it is not a good strategy to grab businesses which have
                                                                 been refused by others. We tend to build partnerships and relation-
            a huge topic which will affect the mankind in the coming years. The
                                                                 ships, understand the risks and have a certain experience so it takes
            Mena region will be the most hit by the temperature where it will
                                                                 around three years to fully understand any region by being present. We
            increase by 4+percent by 2050, in addition to all the other threats that
                                                                 will not be very aggressive but cautious & growing profitably without
            are coming with the digital transformation. On the other hand, we dis-  rushing.
            cussed many other good things like opportunities, how to enhance the
                                                                 • What are your latest realizations?
            digital technology and how to benefit from all the innovations which
                                                                 - We are always reviewing our offerings and the needs of the clients.
            can be used in our industry to improve risk management and reduce  Concerning cyber risk, we are working with a provider of services
            cost, to access more clients, improve our services so there are a lot  based in the US who may extend to us services which are meant to
            of possibilities and the future is bright if we can all as insurers, rein-  assess and survey a given risk whether an enterprise, company,
            surers, regulators and legislators can put in place a vabriant industry  bank, telecom, industry or any entity. There are ways of assessing
                                                                 cyber risk of an entity online where you can check your licenses,
            which is working in synchronization
                                                                                         securities, firewalls, and map the
            together with the technological
                                                                                         traffic of people who are visiting
            advancement we have today, then                                              the website and buying from the
            we can improve a lot including in pric-                                      platform as well as people who are
            ing & risk assessment. Thus, we are                                          sending emails. By looking at that
                                                                                         universe, this helps us understand
            benefitting from our presence here
                                                                                         the risk that we are underwriting
            by learning from the views of others
                                                                                         and which price we can put.
            which improve and refine my view as
                                                                                         We are also working on Nat Cat a
            well as meeting our customers and                                            parametric way of pricing and it is
            discussing businesses and looking at                                         at a national level where we are
            how we can improve our exchange of                                           working with countries in  Africa
            businesses.                              CAA T  h  A FRICA  RE   ´ÉªàLEG     who want to create a Nat Cat pool.
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