Page 97 - 33 edition GAIF Post-Conference July 2022
P. 97

Dr. Abiba Zakariah (Group Chief Operating Officer - WAICA Re)

         Besides being a good reinsurer, we want

       to be the reinsurer who makes a difference

          r.  Abiba Zakariah is the Group Chief Operating Officer of  WAICA Reinsurance
       DCorporation. She assists the management team in designing and implementing appropri-
       ate international best practice managerial structures, policies and procedures, as well as the
       objectives, strategies, monitoring and controls required for the effective and efficient opera-
       tions and performance of the company in accordance with laid-down regulations. Dr. Zakariah
       has helped the insurance and reinsurance industry make strides in West Africa, in addition to
       transforming the continent’s insurance market. Born and raised in Ghana, Dr. Zakariah
       moved through various positions over 14 years, helping change the mindset of the market on
       issues such as bringing transparency to the reinsurance rating process, which previously was
       opaque for reinsurance buyers. She broadened her insurance education by obtaining U.K. pro-
       fessional qualifications, and she obtained a doctorate in management through online studies
       with a Swiss business school. In addition to her day job, she also promotes the advancement of
       women in the  African insurance market and chaired the committee that established the
       Chartered Insurance Ladies Association of Ghana. Al Bayan Magazine met Dr. Zakariah and
       following is the interview conducted.

        Covid-19 led to what we call the “new normal” and it has  write an essay identifying a natural risk in their country and give practical solu-
                                                            tions to it and then we fund the implementation of that solution up to a hun-
                  its advantages & disadvantages
                                                            dred thousand US dollars so that whatever environmental challenges that are
       • How do you evaluate the insurance market overall post-pandemic?  happening, we will be able to contribute a solution. For example, the current
       - Covid led to what we call the “new normal” but like everything in life, it has  project is about reducing plastic waste and its impact. We are hoping to cre-
       its disadvantages and advantages. Generally, the insurance companies have  ate awareness and encourage a positive behavior change in the use of and
       been lucky, we were expecting huge losses and some markets did suffer such  disposal of plastic which can be replicated in other countries.
       losses but across the globe, but it has been better than what we thought. We
       are recovering from Covid and the challenges of Covid has showcased the  We provide protection when there is loss or a risk
       importance of insurance / Security. For example, people have started taking
       life insurance seriously, and insurance companies can begin to provide life  • In which areas or lines do you see opportunities nowadays for the
                                                            insurance sector?
       and personal products and coverages that are useful and beneficial to the
                                                            - Climate change has become a big issue in the world and unfortunately some
       world. It is an area that we are looking to develop as a market, so that should
                                                            of the challenges come from our attitude and behavior as a people. Every
       we suffer a similar event in future, the average person out there will be pro-
                                                            nation is experiencing very strong fluctuations in climate. The role of insurers
       tected. The other aspect of Covid is the it has soon as the importance of the
                                                            is to provide protection when there is a loss or a risk, we join the world to find
       internet and the virtual world. Working from home was new to us, we now have
                                                            risk mitigating solutions or offer financial compensation when the lost occur.
       to deal with workers who are looking to have work-life balance, a balance
                                                            As insurers, we are beginning to develop our solutions to climate change, one
       between how much of themselves they give to the work and still have time for
                                                            is on agriculture, we are beginning to develop lines along climate change so
       friends and hobbies. It is an area that insurers are learning to develop. We are
                                                            one of the products that we have developed is Index-based agriculture which
       learning to set targets for people working at home and to have the infrastruc-
                                                            links the product to climate change. For example, if you want to ensure a
       ture to support our staff who are working from home sometimes outside the
                                                            farmer you link the production and performance of the crop to the weather at
       country to still be productive and efficient. We must also be mindful of the chal-
                                                            a particular time. If the crop fails because of bad weather, the farmer is com-
       lenge of cyber risk that comes with it. It is a scary area for us as insurers, we
                                                            pensated. The Index-based product has a lot of benefits, but it requires some
       not only have to learn how to protect our data from cyber risk, we also must
                                                            third party support us such as government. One of its biggest challenges is
       put in place policies that protect our institutions as well as develop policies that
                                                            basis risk.
       protect other institutions. As an insurance industry, this is what the “new nor-
       mal” means.
                                                                  Waica Re always strives to be near its clients
        WAICA Re not only develops the insurance industry but
                                                            • Do you have any expansion plans in your pipeline?
             also develops the economies where it works in
                                                            - Waica Re always strives to be near its clients not just to write business but
       • Waica Re recently has been very active in the Arab region and partici-  also to be relevant to the client. If we are close to our clients, we understand
       pating in various forums. What is the added value behind your partici-  the risk we are exposed to and the best way to help. Our purpose is to devel-
       pation in these forums?                              op the economy. When we open up an office, every income we make remains
       - The foundation, in which Waica Re                                          in the particular country, we employ
       was built, was to help develop not only                                      people in that country but and support
       the insurance industry but also the                                          in the area of CSR.
       economies where we have presence                                             That is one of our key policies. We are
       in. We want to be the reinsurer who                                          serious about supporting the economy
       makes a difference in the insurance                                          that we work with.  The only way we
       industry and in the economy that we                                          can do it is by investing completely and
       operate in. We developed ourselves                                           fully in that economy. For the Mena
       and made ourselves stronger and                                              region, we already have an office in
       starting from West  Africa where we                                          Tunisia and we are looking to open
       originated, made inroads into the rest                                       another office in Dubai. We hope it will
       of Africa and now expanding beyond.                                          work well so that we can expand even
       One of the projects we are running is                                        more and better in the  Arab World,
       called The Waica Re Champion where                                           especially that we have received a lot
       every year we encourage people to                                            of support from the Mena region.
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